Tuesday, January 3, 2012

For the Love of Fashion & History - My 2 nutty obsessions rolled into one!

Clothing in the ancient worldImage via Wikipedia
Clothing in the Ancient World
One thing you may see on my blog that you won't see on other fashion blogs is a deep focus on fashion through history.  I'm obsessed with the styles and trends of the past, and I'm not alone in this either.

Many modern fashion trends are inspired by fashion trends of the past with a modernized twist.  For example, you may have noticed during the past few years that even the 80s managed to make a comeback, much to my dismay.  Honestly, I love the big sweaters as much as the next gal, but can you skip the cheap looking belts that remind me of what I wore when I was in grade school?  Thanks.

I am honestly in love with fashion from the 20s, 30s and 40s.  Women during those decades were just glamorous.  Even during the Great Depression, we saw some amazing fashion trends.  The women were classic beauties, and I'm happy to say that this era in fashion is making a comeback.  I can barely contain my excitement!

Portrait of woman.Image via Wikipedia
She's gorgeous, right?! <3
The hairstyles also appeal to me.  I want to chop my hair and go all flapper.  If I had the figure for one of those flapper dresses, I would totally go for it.  LOL

Of course, the 20s, 30s and 40s aren't the only appeal to me fashion-wise.  Whenever I watch a film about a time long past, I obsess over the clothing worn by the men and the women and how they presented themselves compared to modern times.  I wonder how long it took them to dress themselves in the morning and how comfortable or uncomfortable they might be in their clothes.

Every time I watch "Little Women" I ask myself how many of these women felt ill wearing all that fabric while being suffocated by "restrictive corsets". 

Whenever I watch a film about the Elizabethan Era, I wonder if Queen Elizabeth I had severe neck and shoulder pain from all the weight from her clothing and headdresses alone.

How do you walk in a big puffy dress with all those layers of fabric and not manage to twist your ankle in your heals?  How do you walk up and down those windy staircases that I had trouble walking through when I visited these historical castles in Europe?  I was wearing comfortable tennis shoes and blue jeans, but you were wearing a huge gown and heals.  How did women not fall and break their bones on a regular basis?

These are the things I think about as a fashion & history junkie.  I love to look back at times past and fashion history, so don't be surprised if I blog about it often.  It's a passion of mine.

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